Airport Thoughts Part II


Thoughts at the Hong Kong Airport:

Let's rephrase us starting off at a level .5 and just say level 0. Let me explain. Soon after writing our last reflections, it was time to check in to our Cathay Pacific flight which was taking us from SFO to HKG.

We gathered our belongings and paperwork and headed in line. There were four other families from Emily's new school that were also trying to get on this flight. We were the first to try to check in. It quickly became clear that we were missing a form that we thought we had. It also became clear that a week before this flight was supposed to happen, the Thai government changed the Covid medical insurance requirement. We were not aware of this change and our document wasn't updated with this new information.

Our adrenaline began to surge through our bodies as the thought of not being able to get on this flight began to feel like a real possibility. We thought we had crossed all our t's and dotted all our i's. However, we were faced with a mistake we didn't anticipate. We quickly needed to figure out a solution.

Our adrenaline began to surge through our bodies as the thought of not being able to get on this flight began to feel like a real possibility.

It turned out that we were not alone in the insurance problem, which was helpful so more heads could work on a solution. Meanwhile, Emily and I had a bigger problem of needing a doctor to complete a Fit to Fly certificate when it was already 10:00 PM, which was 1:00 AM in Indiana. We began contacting our insurances and websites like QuickMD. Unfortunately none of them were able to help. Thankfully we were able to connect with a family friend of Emily's who pulled through and saved the day! (Thanks Norm!)

I would be remiss if I didn't mention the obnoxious traveler who was giving the airline staff so much grief about his documents that he had signed by "a very famous doctor from Thailand". Not only was he not listening to the staff, he was going full-Karen mode asking to see each person's manager who helped him. I was certainly distracted by his behavior while Emily got our paperwork finalized with the staff at the counter. Fortunately, we didn't see this man and his clearly embarrassed son on the plane which wasn't surprising considering his ridiculous and disrespectful behavior.

Emily's colleagues were able to get the school to contact the necessary agencies to change the insurance and we were able to breathe again. After an hour of frantic calling and emailing, we had the form from the doctor and the updated insurance letter so we could return to the check in counter. This time around we made it through!

Unfortunately one of the families from Emily's school was not accepted to board because they didn't meet the very specific requirements for the Covid test. We are hoping they can get on another flight very soon!

We are one flight away now, waiting for our final flight to Bangkok! Fingers crossed we can pass the check-in in Thailand.

P.S. TSA took my new rolling pin from my carry on luggage. Too much of a danger because it could be used as a blunt object. Give me a break.

Cathay Pacific knows how to feed their passengers.


Airport Thoughts Part III


Airport Thoughts Part I